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Culty Classic Film Festival Branding

Year: 2021

Sort: Brand Identity

Task: Being naive, young and innocent will one day come to an end. It can end abruptly or over time through shocking or uncertain events causing innocence to be stripped away revealing cynical and truthful realities. Depception Film Festival captures these themes through your favorite Culty Classics.

Reason: The culty classic films: The Big Lebowski, Office Space, Heathers, Dazed and Confused, Donnie Darko, and Rocky Horror Picture Show all have a simple plot line of events within the movie. 

Solution: The concept of “death of innocence” was apparent as each character has a loss of “innocence” in each movie which was illustrated through hand-cut images with an addition of a footnote. This footnote describes the theme of the movie, giving the illustration a darker tone.